Data Protection and GDPR

At Plastic-ID we take the protection of your data very seriously.  Find our Privacy Policy here.

Plastic-ID are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office for data processing.  

Our registration number is: Z3192093

How do you protect the data when printing cards?

Obviously, a large part of what we do is printing data on to cards, such as ID cards, membership cards and ICE (In Case of Emergency) cards. This can involve a lot of personal data, including names and photos.

This is where we become the data processor (as opposed to the controller) so we’ve updated our processes to help you to remain compliant as the data controller.

  • We give you tools to securely transfer your data to us.
  • The data does not leave our UK based premises.
  • Your data can only be accessed by specific members of the team – all of whom have been fully trained on data protection and information security.
  • Our printing bureau can only be accessed by authorised personnel and your cards remain secure within our building until we hand them over to our trusted courier partner, UPS.
  • Any test cards and misprints are stored in our locked recycling bin ready to be shredded on site.
  • All ribbons used for printing your cards are also stored in locked bins and are removed by our waste partner, shredded and used as waste for energy.
  • All data is deleted 30 days after we dispatch your order. This gives you plenty of time to check your order and advise us of any issues. If you’d like the data to be deleted sooner than this we can do this on demand.

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