Unsolicited Payment

Thank you for contacting ID Card Centre Ltd (https://www.idcardcentre.co.uk/ ) a leading supplier of ID Card Printers and consumables. 

We are sorry to hear that you have been the subject of an unsolicited withdrawal from your account. Sadly, you are not alone as others have also been contacting us with similar concerns.

Unfortunately, we are not the company responsible for this transaction, and we will be unable to assist you with any refund.

We just have a very similar business name and have been wrongly identified as being responsible.

We operate with honesty, integrity, and transparency and would never take unsolicited payments from our customers.

As we understand it, the company that you need to speak to is idcentre.co (https://idcentre.co/).

We empathise with your situation, which we have regrettably also become involved in, and sincerely hope that you manage to get the situation resolved as soon as possible.  

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